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Graphic Design

for print & social media

19-20 Annual Report

Fall of 2020, I designed a primarily virtual Annual Report for the nonprofit Upstream Arts, to be hosted on their website. With this 19-page document I developed a fresh and energetic take on the organization's visual brand, providing a powerful vehicle to convey the information and message within.

Screenshot 2020-11-13 at 9.05.48 PM.png

18-19 Annual Report

Fall of 2019, I designed and executed a fold-out, mailable Annual Report for the nonprofit Upstream Arts' Fall Fund Appeal. The dynamic movement of the piece required imaginative problem solving and attention to 3D space, resulting in an interactive piece of visual storytelling that augmented the organization's message. 

Postcard Design

Shown here is the most recent of the many postcards I have designed advertising fundraising events, performances, and programming while maintaining a clear organizational brand.  


With printed postcards in particular, I prioritize accessible design. This entails close attention to text size, font, color contrast, and layout so that as much of the audience as possible is able to engage meaningfully with the content. 

FB save the date - homecoming 2020
Day 1 Homecoming graphic
Day 2 Homecoming graphic
ua meme

Graphics for

Social Media 

In my time working for Upstream Arts I have often supported fundraising campaigns and marketing initiatives by creating shareable graphics for social media.


Here is a selection of pieces spanning 2018-2020, including informational graphics for the  annual Fundraiser, calls to action for Give to the Max Day, and testimonials from program participants. 

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